Aspiring Digital Marketing Professionals Scholarship
FIREFECT, founded by Joshua Belland, a local Houston seo expert, will be giving away one $1,500 college scholarship to a deserving student who is entering into their freshman fall semester. Applications are due by August 1st, 2017, and the recipient will be notified by August 15, 2017. See below for submission guidelines.
Submission Guidelines
(1) Requirements:
- Applicants should be pursuing one of the following degrees: Management Information Systems, Data Science, Computer Science, Marketing, Business Administration, Business Finance, PR or Communications.
- Undergraduate Student
(2) Applications should also:
- Min. 3.25/4.00 GPA
- Selection & Eligibility Criteria
- Selection will be based on academic history, extracurricular activities & essay. Financial need will not be considered.
- Must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent U.S. Resident – Must be a resident in the greater Houston area
- Must be enrolled (or accepted) in an accredited college or university and planning on continuing the next semester.
(3) Funds
The Aspiring Digital Marketing Scholarship recipient will be notified by August 15, 2017. The recipient will be invited to the Firefect Digital corporate office where they will be awarded a check to be mailed directly to the essay winner’s home or invited to Firefect Digital to receive the check.
(4) Essay
Write a minimum 500-word essay about an experience where you had to think outside of the box to overcome and obstacle.
(5) Applying
To apply for this scholarship, please submit the form below by July 15th, 2017 to let us know you will be participating and you must have your essay completed/published by August 1st 2017. Along with submitting your essay, please also include your academic history, information on your extracurricular activities and information on your school of choice (including proof of admittance).