Improve Page Speed to Improve Keyword Rankings and User Experience

Improve Page Speed The best way to improve page speed is by following some common tactics that anyone can implement. Although SEO usually focuses on content, keywords and link building. While those SEO factors deserve your attention, you should also pay attention to other SEO strategies, such as page speed. When your pages quickly load, you can outrank competitors and enjoy more website traffic. Continue reading to find out how. Initial Page Speed Testing Try using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to assess the current performance of your website content. Simply enter the URL of your page into the search box and the tool will rate it on a scale of 1 to 100. You will also receive detailed feedback that includes recommended improvements. Optimize [...]

Understanding SEO for Duck Duck Go

Marketing professionals and business owners tend to focus their SEO strategies on Google. This makes sense because of the way Google dominates the internet search industry. Still, other search engines, such as Duck Duck Go, exist that compete for the almost one-quarter of internet searches that Google doesn’t get. Duck Duck Go has built a reputation for being the search engine that respects privacy. Therefore, every time SEO news headlines feature Google’s many alleged privacy violations, Duck Duck Go has a chance to attract new users. At the end of 2017, the Duck Duck Go CEO, Gabriel Weinberg, estimated that the search engine handles almost 24 million queries every day. With almost that many monthly unique users. That number accounts only for about 0.22% of all [...]

By |May 16th, 2018|Categories: |0 Comments

Does SEO Still Matter?

Digital marketing changes at a remarkable pace, often leaving website owners wondering what they should do to get the best results. Recently, phrases such as “content is everything” have become commonplace in SEO news headlines. The new emphasis on content naturally can make you wonder if SEO still matters, or if it’s dead. Humble beginnings SEO began in the early days of internet search. Website owners discovered that they could “game the system” by loading pages with keywords. Primeval search engines simply counted keywords and their frequency when determining what results to show to their users. All that has changed. Algorithms rule Nowadays, Google dominates the search industry and has revolutionized search to ensure that users can find high-quality, actionable content. The algorithm that [...]

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